When not sure where to begin on telling my journey I figure
starting at the beginning is the best option. I started in my hometown of Grand
Rapids, Michigan where the parting was very bittersweet. My mother, sister,
brother-in-law, and boyfriend were all there to wish me off. My biggest fear
for this trip was that I would get homesick and feel like I am missing out on
everything there, but as soon as I got through security the pterodactyls in my
stomach (much too big to be butterflies) vanished. My excitement for an
inevitable adventure took over, and I only shed a few tears as I left Michigan
behind. After a quick puddle jump to Chicago (only a 25 minute flight!) I was
on my way out of the United States of America for the first time in my life.

I am pretty sure my jaw hit the floor when I saw the size
and luxury of the plane that would take me across the ocean to London. I was
provided with blankets and pillows (it was an overnight flight) as well as my
own personal television that had movies available to watch that were not even
on DVD yet! Once we landed down in London I got my first taste of what it is
like being a foreigner. The first instance was getting on the bus that would
take me to my connection terminal. I had a moment of panic when the bus
as a car was coming towards us into the wrong lane, but realized they drove in
the left lane usually. Another time was in the bathroom trying to figure out
the hand dryers. They seemed to be ones that were supposed to blow air, but
nothing was coming out no matter how wildly I flung my hands underneath it. I
have yet to start one, but if I never figure it out that is okay too. I am
expecting to make mistakes and look like a buffoon at times, but I know to just
take each day as it comes and to treasure my time here.

Stepping into the main hub of the airport felt like stepping into a shopping mall. It was a two-floored building with every kind of store and restaurant you could think of. I am currently sitting in the middle of this hub as I type this, and will make sure to explore while I have the chance to do so. After a seven-hour layover I will be flying to my final destination Shannon, Ireland. I should be arriving at the University of Limerick around 11 pm tonight (23:00 hours). I am not as nervous as I was before I stepped on the first airplane. I am mainly excited to find out where this adventure will take me and what I will learn from the people of Ireland.
Heathrow London airport (pics to the left)